def. Random, capricious, and entirely unnecessary misdirection of a trail route humorously provided by trail developers for entertainment of hikers.

The Stream Crossers

Gio Sarmiento is the only guy in the group. He proved himself to be a real slugger as he kept up with the girls even when his feet start to hurt. Being a gentleman, he's the one who slept in the floor or out in the hall, but he didn't complain.

He is the one in charge of the team's budget. So, he wore his bag of cash envelopes the whole time.
Gio is usually seen playing his DS, taking a long nap in the bus, and being altogether cute all the time.

Eunice Arafiles is the team's official photographer. At first glance, you'd think that this less-than-five-feet gal is an automatic damsel-in-distress, but everyone who meets her soon find out that she packs a powerful punch.

Of everyone in the team, Nicey is the toughest, quickest, and most adaptable of the group. 

She is usually seen with her ginormous camera pointing and focusing and zooming and focusing and evening out the angles to get the perfect shot.

Deanne Leones brings the smiles, giggles, and child-like laughter to the group. She's the neophyte who's always learning things. The fact that she's always fascinated and interested brings fresh insight to the group.

She's also the team's worship leader and designated mp3 player. 

She is usually found singing or humming by herself while walking, sitting, or sleeping.

Abby Maravilla is the group's top model. She has the best poses which provide material for the team's photographer (as you can see obviously in this picture).

Abby is the team's prayer leader.

She is often seen posing in windows, doors, on top of piles of stones, on trees, or in the air.

Lyqa Maravilla... Well, that's me. I do most of the blogging since the rest of the team is usually shy and soft-spoken. With none of us being an influencer, I tried to take that job. Because usually, with my bad back, bad knee, and bad tummy, the only thing I can try to do is to make everyone laugh and enjoy.

I was in charge of coordinating special numbers and was the designated speaker of the group. Of the latter part, I did quite a lot of (just not behind the pulpit).

I'm usually in front of the laptop, looking for that rare Khmer wifi hotspot, directing a video, or just plain thinking of weird and fun things to do.