def. Random, capricious, and entirely unnecessary misdirection of a trail route humorously provided by trail developers for entertainment of hikers.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunday Ministry in Kensvey, Cambodia - Lyqa

We had our long-awaited ministerial opportunity in Cambodia in Kensvey. Though we weren't really prepared with a lesson because we really didn't expect it, God made a way for us to be able to teach and have fun with the kids. These are some of the stuff that happened.

Khmer-translated Sunday School story

Since it was an impromptu thing, I had to pull out a lesson pretty quick. Because all of them were pretty small kids, I decided to go with David's story. Reaksmey was my translator and I could tell that he was telling the story better than me because he spoke with full emotion and may actions pa!

This is how it went.

David and Goliath skit starring Chara! :D

To make sure that they knew and understood the story well, we had a skit. The funny thing was that our volunteer was a girl, Chara. It became an almost all-girl skit because the only guy in it was Gio-liath. :)

The whole team joined the skit. It was good that they were all game about being in the video.

After the skit, we taught them the game Bahay-Baboy-Bagyo (House-Pig-Storm) or Pteah-Chooroo-Sharpshoo in Khmer. The kids had fun. We're just not sure about who enjoyed it the most, the Khmer or us.

Didi also taught the children the song, "My God Is So Big" which went well with the lesson. The kids did their best to try to learn the song in English.

Overall, it was such a great experience. Jesus really loves the little children, all the children of the world. :) The fact that their teacher was male was also a revelation. How Reaksmey "Kulit" handled the kids was something I enjoyed watching. He had the boys following him and trying to behave. I hope that more boys will consider teaching kids as their ministry.

Please pray...
  • that the Kids Ministry in Kensvey and in other parts of Cambodia will continue to grow,
  • that God will call more people to serve in the ministry,
  • that the current teacher/s like Reaksmey will not grow tired of giving their time to these kids, and
  • that the kids will continue to grow in the faith and be ready to commit their lives fully to God.


  1. It's so wonderful that you did this. ♥♥

    The Cat Hag

  2. Thank you. We had a great time there. :) We appreciate your comment. God bless you... :D
